Tuesday, August 19, 2014

creative responses and formative assessment...

Junior secondary students are required to read a book for 10 mins at the beginning of each English lesson...
The students choose their own book...
If they complete required class work,
students are encouraged to develop a creative response to their reading...
The one above is a sample of Alina's recent Year 8 work...

To foster interest in senior English studies, creative responses are encouraged too...
Above is Year 11 Sarah Dunstan's response to Macbeth, just using newspaper headlines...

Creative responses encourage students 
to connect ideas...
to express ideas differently...

They are a challenge for both the able and the less able students,
without the pressure of competition or
the feeling that someone is always better than someone else.
Some students complete these creative responses as they listen...a great tool to help them concentrate...
Creativity is an attractive goal
when the teacher needs to steer through lessons that students may find "not so appealing".
If we complete how to write an essay by this time... then we will create...
Concentration is paramount...

I now use creative folders in all my classes.
They are a wonderful asset when:
- many students are absent e.g. rally day
- after lunch lesson represents restless attitudes
- a bonus option when students complete required class work
- ideal for extension and remedial work (differentiation)  - I simply insert the appropriate sheets

Teaching is not just about 
recognising and acknowledging learning styles,
it is about encouraging a range of response styles 
for an optimum, ongoing measure of student performance...
that is what formative assessment is all about...

In summary,
 creative responses encourage 
the holistic measure of student performance...

a great resource for ideas...
56 Examples of Formative Assessment

shared on Edmodo 19.8.14

To teach is to keep learning

Friday, August 1, 2014

out of the comfort mould...

What if you seek to break young people free
of being hooked into
the trendy
the popular music

and you would
love to give them the experience of
other sounds

give them some music
by the young


55 years of Catholic were celebrated, last night (27), with a recital at the Teatro de Santa Isabel. The show was due to the Madrigal Unicap and had the title Un Viaggio Per Il Mondo Dell'Opera (A journey through the world of opera). In addition to the anniversary of the institution, the presentation celebrated the Jubilee Year of St. Ignatius of Loyola. The event was attended by the entire academic community and guests.
- translation - September 28 2006

Will be conducted by the Catholic University of Pernambuco, Madrigal Marlos Nobre and Community Pro-rector, the recital "Un viaggio per il mondo dell'opera". The event is part of the commemoration of 61 years of Catholic University and will take place on 27th September at 20:30, the Rev. Francisco Tavares de Bragança Cultural Center in Unicap.
- translation - September 2012
As Amadeu Guedes posted this above video March 2013,
it seems the trio were part of this later 2012 celebration????

Now I know the name of the trio - They are Il Volo

To teach is to keep learning
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