Thursday, September 22, 2016

Value of document-based questioning...

A fine video (from Fairfax County Public School)
illustrating how document-based questioning promotes:

critical thinking
analysis skills
co-operation - including synthesising responses
oral/public speaking skills
reading/comprehension skills

I especially like:
*one question - multiple primary and secondary documents sourced to answer it
*how these students sort perspectives into bucket lists which are shared and compared

While document-based questioning ideally applies to documents in History,
I wonder if these principles could be applied to:
*analysing extracts from novels esp the classics
* novel into film - comparing differences and values
* advertising - comparing the value of different advertisements
of the same product or on the same topic

To teach is to keep learning

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Review of Reading Australia...

In view of current statistics suggesting that Australian universities have the highest dropout of students in a decade,
(up to 1 in 5 students - SMH 8.9.16)
it is time to push the value of reading widely
to enhance a will and drive to concentrate and enhance ideas.

Reading Australia
is a website supporting English teachers in their search for reading materials.
Resources are for both primary and secondary levels.

An account is FREE
and offers regular updates on book news and teaching resources.

A home page video introduces the features of the site.

Primary and secondary tabs lead to graphic novels, drama, short stories, poetry, narrative history, opinion, memoir, essays (about books), young adult.
Each resource has a suggested year level and includes sample classroom and assessment activities.

Special Resources
Australia Day
Anzac Day
Asia and Australia's Engagement with Asia
Indigenous Histories and Cultures
Future Resources

Perhaps the real bonus is the addition of comparative titles - a further reading element - and film resources where appropriate.

There are even rubrics.

Overall, this website is a priceless resource and tool for English teachers.

Shared on Edmodo 8.9.16 

To teach is to keep learning
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